Why CSA?

What if you could bring the freshest produce from the farm directly to your dinner table? Get connected to the farmer(s) feeding your families. 

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is better known as a farm box or produce subscription whereby you pay upfront to receive weekly or bi-weekly goodies from the farm of your choice. This direct connection between consumer and farmer means you know exactly where your food comes from, how it was grown and when it was harvested. Just as important, your membership provides your local farm with a direct consumer network that they can focus on and plant for, ensuring their longevity and viability as a business. A 360 degree win.

CSAs are a perfect way to enjoy local fresh produce at its best. Products are typically harvested just before pickup, which means your farm box food stays fresh longer and possess more of the vital nutrition you desire. Take fewer trips to the grocery store and support local food farmers!

  • Reliability of farm fresh products that are bio-secure and non-GMO. Easy delivery and pick-up options. Given priority access to Genesis Mountain Farm events.

  • Yes you can. Please reach out to us to arrange your cash payment.
    Contact Us.

  • Sandpoint - Wednesday 3:00 pm-4:00 pm at Shakapaw Pet Store parking lot.

    Priest River - Coming Soon!

    -Additional locations will be added as needed.

  • We understand you may not be able to pick up your CSA in a given week. We encourage our members to offer their share to a friend or family member and allow them to experience the Genesis Mountain Farm membership program. Should you need to pause, we require a 1-week prior notice.  This grants us the opportunity to sell your farm share.

  • Any shares not picked up on Wednesday are brought back to our farm. Members who miss their pickup will be responsible for acquiring their membership share.

Kind Words

  • Your greens were amazing! My girls are eating salads everyday now and it’s settling in my daughter’s stomach who has major gastro and neuro conditions from a traumatic brain injury six years ago. I am so excited!!

    If its not too late, can we order a family size this week?